Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My first post. :D

Well. IDK what to say first. xD
It's nice that I can finally get my feelings out somewhere. I mean, I'm a quiet-ish sort of person. Well, except around people that I know well enough to know what they would say in any given situation.
This is the second blog I've made. The first one was for LJ, but I later found out my friends couldn't see it. So I came here. :)
I take a look at what happened to me that day. I sum it up into a sentence. It can be something like a main idea, or a life lesson. It could be anything.It's not one of those little things where "I'm gonna see how far I've come since blah blah blah and see how I've become a better person" and all that. That stuff makes me shudder. I mean, you are you, and as long as you're not doing anything to hurt somebody else, I don't think you should change for anyone or anything. But the point is, I do it involuntarily. You may think that's weird, but if you think I'm some sort of freako, I'd suggest you go back to your own blog so you can read more about your own pigheaded self. Thanks. :)
Sentence for the day: Think before you speak. Or IM, for that matter.
Time has been going by so fast lately. I had just started getting used to writing '08 on my schoolwork, and now it changes on me again. I guess I've just been so busy lately. I go to school at about 7, and I get out (usually) at about 2:40. I go onto WI, WC, Yahoo, and AIM, and I spend about three hours on there. I eat dinner. I do homework.See? No time for relaxing. None. Nada. Zip.
That's another reason why I made this: so I can just think.
We've got a writing test tomorrow. The only problem is, I haven't gotten any writing practice, other than the standardized tests, since fourth grade. My LA teachers haven't really been that strict. Sure, we read a novel every once in a while, we answer questions on it. We do a worksheet. But most days, we do some bellwork, she gives the answer and we discuss, we discuss some topic that's not relevant to LA, and we leave when the bell rings. That's it. Not that I'm complaining, but I'd at least like some writing so we can at least get something useful into the day and not have a bad grade on our college resume (is that the right word?).

Then, on Friday, she gives us this list of Literary Terms. Her directions: Copy an example of each term from a book and put it on a paper, typed. Not so hard, right?Wrong. Oh so very wrong.The terms were action, allegory, allusion, analogy, anecdote, antagonist, autobiography, biography, caricature, character sketch, characterization, climax, comedy, conflict (Person vs. Person, Person vs. Society, Person vs. Self, Person vs. Nature, and Person vs. Fate), and context.Now. Imagine two to four long paragraphs for each one, excluding analogy, antagonist, autobiography, biography, and caricature.That's about five pages. Size ten font.My hands hurt.So I ended up spending two hours typing up various passages from Maximum Ride and Twilight books. Thankfully, it was a group project, and my friend Marissa was my partner. She was the one, basically, that found the stuff from Twilight, and I copied it from the book. We're lucky that I had set up an email account for her the day before, else we would have either had to spend two hours on the phone (my phone gives off a really annoying high-pitched ringing noise that gives me a headache, so I can't stay on for long) or texting (my phone is also so crappy there's no word suggestions, plus the buttons are extremely hard to press). Nobody really likes her. xp

Thanks for reading.

P.S. If anyone has a myspace that is reading this, please let me know. I just got one, and I'm dizzy. I can't find anything on the internet about the simple stuff like changing your default picture, background, or whatever.Helpppp?

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